Sunday, 31 January 2010

Pass the apron and Woman’s Weekly, dear

Cross-stitch is usually associated with ‘beautiful’ farmyard scenes and teddybears. You just know when you walk into a room with a cross-stitched, framed kitten, that the musty smell and offer of stale Victoria sponge will quickly follow.

However, I have recently discovered modern crafting. Dragging what used to be viewed as solely for housewives into the 21st century, the craft revolution has given cross stitch new meaning and new appeal. Thanks to websites such as and cross stitch is now cool, and even a little sexy. Waaaaooow!!

My first attempts, and I’m officially hooked (dammit, I should’ve saved that for a crochet post.) I imagined that counting the stitches would get on my nerves, but it’s exciting to see how the piece is progressing. And, MOST importantly to me, it can be done whilst watching Twilight on repeat and eating cake. Because where’s the fun of crafting if you can’t eat and perve over hot fictional guys?

Here’s my first go, from a Subversive Cross Stitch pattern. It’s very me, and goes perfectly with my “fuck, yeah” pillowcase and “that’s what she said” tshirt. It took a couple of sittings, but was great to fill time on the train or whilst waiting for a student to arrive. I love it! 

My second was a birthday present for a friend, who’s a bit of a music guru and has a wicked sense of humour, so I thought he’d prefer it to the Extreme Trout Fishing dvd I got him last year. It’s a pattern made by a Craftster, found here:
And here is my attempt:

I can predict this won’t be the last of the cross stitch. I just need to sew myself an ironic apron and bake a tart in anticipation of my next project.

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