Friday, 27 February 2009


i decided to teach myself to crochet. i am VERY impatient when self-teaching, so thank the lord for youtube! the tutorials on there are perfect, plus you can fast forward, rewind, and pause to make a cuppa.

so far, i have come up with a hat for myself (very proud) and some hats and a blanket for the charity Precious Awakenings, who need donations of hats, booties, blankets, angel wraps, for premature and still-born babies. reading the website is heartbreaking, so is knowing that what you are making is going to be used for a funeral or the last moments with the parents. but i'm glad i can help. and it has really helped my crochet, too.



hats and blanket for preemies:


1 comment:

jenni said...

that is a great hat! glad you liked the treble crochet pictures! I was doing a slip stitch for what I thought was a single crochet for the longest time before I found a good tutorial to help me see!